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導讀 關(guān)于高密一中官網(wǎng),高密一中這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、高密一中簡介——建


















17、No. 1 High School of Gaomi---Foundation for the Students’ lifetime HappinessNo. 1 High School of Gaomi is a provincial standardized school in Shandong Province. Founded in 1945, it has a long history and contains profound cultural deposits, which has cultivated a good many excellent students who have served, are serving and will serve our country and the society.The school is located in the downtown of Gaomi known as the Phoenix City. With the famous coastal city of Qingdao to the east and the World Kite Capital City of Weifang to the west, it has an academic atmosphere as well as a good education environment. Covering an area of more than 86,000 square meters, including a building area of over 50,000 square meters, it has its own campus net and TV station in addition to the students’ self-study rooms, research laboratories, multimedia studios, academic report halls and other first-class modern and advanced educational facilities. And now, more than 3,200 students are here growing up healthily and enjoying their easy access to all the above advanced conditions.With the core value of Foundation of the Students’ Lifetime Happiness, the school decides on their motto--“Prepare for the ‘YOU’ Aged Forty”, their goal of education---“Lofty Aspiration, Sound Personality, Solid Foundation, Superior Speciality”, their school spirit---“Brisk Your Thinking and Standardize Your Words and Actions”, their teaching style---“Being Rigorous and Realistic; Inspiring Wisdom with Wisdom”, their learning style---“ Being Virtuous and Erudite; Being Aspiring and Promising”. For the construction of an ideal school that the students dream of attending, where the teachers are happy and it is respected by society as well, they are constantly adjusting their concepts of education, innovating their ways of work, optimizing their system of management, deepening the reform of teaching, promoting the construction of the teaching staff and encouraging the students to forge themselves. Therefore, the school’s teaching quality is always improving. In the last ten years, as many as 83 graduates have been admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University. And thus it has been awarded a Five-Star School, which is one of the first five awarded schools in the 2009-2011 Ordinary High School Star Assessment of Weifang.The school has always regarded the construction of the teaching staff as the base of its existence, as the foundation of its development, and as the source of its power. They are always making great efforts to cultivate the leading teachers of each subject and further promote the teacher-forging project. So far, the structure of teachers has been relatively reasonable in age, education, major and professional title. There are 4 national excellent teachers or national model teachers, 7 provincial or municipal senior special grade teachers, 24 provincial teaching experts or winners of high-quality course competition, 46 teaching experts of Weifang District, 41 subject teaching examples in Gaomi and 53 teachers with a master’s degree. Clearly, the school has a teaching group adapting to modernized teaching.The school also promotes active international cooperation and communication, dovetails cultivating plans with more than 50 famous universities and has formed a good relationship with them, making it the source of the enrolment of key universities. In recent years, the school has been entrusted with the right of recommending the students’ taking part in the independent selection test of these universities. And these universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University, have provided opportunities for the school. What’s more, it obtained the headmaster’s real-name recommendation qualification from Peking University in 2010 , 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, becoming one of the only ten schools that obtained the same qualification in Shandong Province. To keep pace with the modernized teaching, it has established its own International Department. By jointly developing the educational career with foreigners, it has created more convenient conditions for the students to go abroad for further study and multicultural education.The school has been awarded “the National Advanced Group in Moral Education of Primary and Secondary School” by the national Ministry of Education and “the Advanced Unit in Ideological and Political Work” by the government of Shandong Province. In addition, it has also been successively granted the honors of “the Civilized Unit of Shandong Province”, “the Quality-oriented Education Experimental School of Shandong Province”, “the School in Developing Traditional PE-events of Shandong Province”, “the Advanced Group in Moral Work of Shandong Province”, “the Advanced Unit in Experimental Study of Creativity Training of Shandong Province”, and “the Advanced Literature and Art School of Shandong Province” and so on.At present, all the teachers and students are wholly devoting themselves to the construction of an ideal school that the students dream of attending, where the teachers are happy and it is respected by society as well.。



