1、Prepare a piece of chicken breast, cucumber, carrot and peanut, and dice chicken breast, cucumber and carrot.準(zhǔn)備好雞胸肉一塊、黃瓜半根、胡蘿卜半根、去皮花生米一把,將雞胸肉、黃瓜、胡蘿卜切丁。
2、2、Put a spoonful of fish sauce into the chicken breast.雞胸肉中放入一勺魚(yú)露。
3、3、Put a spoonful of starch in the chicken breast.雞胸肉中放入一勺淀粉。
4、4、Grab chicken breast with fish sauce and starch and marinate for 10 minutes.將雞胸肉與魚(yú)露、淀粉抓勻,腌制10分鐘備用。
5、5、In a small bowl, mix 30g water, 3G starch, 2G sauce, 20g sugar and 15g vinegar.在小碗中放入水30g、淀粉3g、味極鮮醬油2g、糖20g、陳醋15g攪勻備用。
6、6、Heat the pan with proper amount of oil.鍋中放入適量的油燒熱。
7、7、Put the chicken breast into the pot.將雞胸肉放入鍋中。
8、8、Stir-fry the chicken breast until it discolors, then put it in a pan and set aside.將雞胸肉翻炒至變色,出鍋裝入盤(pán)中備用。
9、9、Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry onions.鍋中放入適量的油燒熱,放入洋蔥丁炒香。
10、10、Stir-fry cucumber, carrot and bean paste for a moment.放入黃瓜、胡蘿卜、豆瓣醬翻炒片刻。
11、1Stir-fry onions and garlic slices for a moment.放入蔥花、蒜片翻炒片刻。
13、Stir-fry chicken breast evenly.13、淋入調(diào)好的醬汁,翻炒幾下。
14、Pour in the sauce and stir-fry for a few times.14、倒入花生米,翻炒片刻即可。
15、Pour in the peanuts and stir-fry for a moment.15、出鍋裝盤(pán),撒上少許香蔥末。
16、Disk out and sprinkle with a little shallot.。