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導(dǎo)讀 關(guān)于she歌曲英文歌詞,she歌詞英文這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、She-She may


1、She-She may be the face I can’t forget,The trace of pleasure or regretMay be my treasure or the price I have to payShe may be the song that summer singsMay be the chill the autumn bringsMay be a hundred of different thingsWithin the measure of a dayShe may be the beauty or the beastMay be the famine or the feastMay turn each day into a heaven or a hellShe may be the mirror of my dreamA smile reflected in the streamShe may not be what she seems inside her shellShe who always seems so happy in a crowdWhose eyes can be so private and so proudNo one allows to see them when they cryShe may be the love that cannot hope to lastMay come to me from shadows of the pastThat I remember till the day I dieShe may be the reason I surviveThe why and wherefore I’m aliveThe one I will care for through the rough and ready yearsMe, I will take her laughter and her tearsAnd make them all my souvenirsFor where she goes I’ve got to beThe meaning of my life is “s-h-e”my commentsThe lyric uses some figures of speechThe use of alliterationeg. beauty or the beast, famine or the feast, heaven or a hell, private and so proudassonance,eg. forget & regret ; dream &steam, etcthese provide good sound effect.the use of oxymoron,beauty or the beast, famine or the feast, heaven or a hell,provides different perspectivesthe use of metaphorShe may be the song that summer singsMay be the chill the autumn bringsprovide good images。



